A safe jobsite starts with safe drivers

A safe job site starts with safe drivers

By Darryl Cooper, president, Cooper Equipment Rentals  

May 14, 2024 

An average job site is a busy place with site inspectors, cranes lifting materials into buildings, dump trucks loading and unloading, suppliers and subcontractors delivering equipment. A lot of different people coming and going and a whole fleet of your own equipment in constant movement. The number of things that could go wrong is nearly endless– that is, if you’re not paying attention.

You may have safety requirements in place to mitigate common hazards– hardhats and other PPE, aerial safety harnesses and training around electrocution and slips, trips and falls. You may even have the Certificate of Recognition (COR). But what about the potential hazards that are off-site? Are you protecting your workers (and let’s be honest, your business) by implementing safety practices behind the wheel? Can you be sure they are following the right protocols around speeding, breaking and distracted driving? Are you monitoring your fleet to ensure they are driving safely? And are you encouraging better driver behaviour…or identifying and correcting poor driver behaviours?

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